Wednesday, July 16, 2008

toast guy

This is toast guy, he is the main character in the comic I am currently working on. I will have the comic done soon. Or atleast the first 17 pages. Ill post them soon. trust me. also, to give you premise, toast guy is falling to earth because he pushed the random red button that can do anything.

mystical forest

this one reminds me of a mystical setting in a videogame or something. I loved painting it:)

Walking mech

The concept is a sniper aiming to destoy a walking mech. Fun little image done in photoshop

Simple Environment

Just a sample environment I was experimenting with

This is my main background image on my website, I felt it would be good to post it on here for full view.

Whats up "Dog"?

This image is a representation of dog the bounty hunter. I felt it would be fun to do a caricature of him.


This is a revised iimage that is located on my website. the following link is