Saturday, December 27, 2008

screenshot of 3D I worked on for internship.

This is a map that I created for the 3D world that I worked on for my internship during school. The school we did it for was the University of Michigan. You can check out the online world at the following website link. Its pretty nifty ;) Also, in the left hand corner of the screen in the white box where the icons are, I also created those.

concept cover for videogame

this is the cover a videogame for my friend. The game is about a giant head that eats gingerbread men for dinner. If you want a copy, I might be able to see what i can do for ya. just leave a comment and ill see if i can hit ya up with one :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008


experimental design.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

speed painting

experimental was more of a speed painting. hope you enjoy. im probably going to work on this more but i wanted to put it up to kinda show it for review if i can get any feedback.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

30 minute speed painting

another speed painting...comments are welcome...feel free!

Friday, November 21, 2008

"rough" updated

updated image progress on the guy in armor.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

scared girl

speed painting i just did. hope you enjoy

Friday, October 24, 2008

get off the john

john mccain picture im working on. its kind of political but hope you enjoy.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

french dude

this is another installment of my work that i have done, its unfinished also but i figure i may as well get it up here for viewing purposes. tell me what you think of it.

Friday, October 17, 2008


so i havent posted anything new in the past few months due to the fact that i have been busy trying to make a living which im sure all of you know, the economy is not doing too well. aside from that, i havent had a wacom tablet to paint these images so these are just the roughs ive done. so please consider that when looking at these images.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

toast guy

This is toast guy, he is the main character in the comic I am currently working on. I will have the comic done soon. Or atleast the first 17 pages. Ill post them soon. trust me. also, to give you premise, toast guy is falling to earth because he pushed the random red button that can do anything.

mystical forest

this one reminds me of a mystical setting in a videogame or something. I loved painting it:)

Walking mech

The concept is a sniper aiming to destoy a walking mech. Fun little image done in photoshop

Simple Environment

Just a sample environment I was experimenting with

This is my main background image on my website, I felt it would be good to post it on here for full view.

Whats up "Dog"?

This image is a representation of dog the bounty hunter. I felt it would be fun to do a caricature of him.


This is a revised iimage that is located on my website. the following link is

Thursday, May 22, 2008

character studies

multiple character studies I came up with.

This is an environment that I had done awhile ago. It is a little more abstract and was more of an experimental piece. Tell me what you think because there is always more room for improvement

mech suite

here is a character design I had recently done. I wanted to start with the drawing and just build up layers of color and texture. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

pretty funny video...we should get some pizza...

so its been a little while since I've last posted. I've finally finished school and have been working diligently to create a broader portfolio concentrating on character design. I am very excited to say that I have now completed 15 character studies within the past 3 days and will be posting those shortly. However, this post is about a more editorial piece that I have created. I did this drawing in my sketchbook awhile ago and have recently digitally painted it. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

soldier boy (indian version)

i couldnt stop laughing when i saw this video. i just think its great seeing a different country develop their own style from our pop culture. enjoy:)

Monday, April 14, 2008

guy fighting bug

so, things are going well these days. I'm pretty excited about graduating. I am going to start looking for a job soon. We'll see how that goes:) But anyway, heres another painting I've worked on for senior studio. I promise next time I post, I wont post art. I'll post something fun to watch, I promise.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


ive been working pretty hard lately...but its all a matter of motivation. Especially at CCS. Its been kicking my butt, though, I'm sticking it through. So I've been working on this painting for about 3 hours and want to see what you all think of it. I've been posting a lot of my paintings on my blog because its pretty easy to maintain. I don't think you guys mind. But anyway, here it is:)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

water woman

this one took me a little longer. I'm not fully finished with it but I kind of want feedback if possible.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

character study

quick character study

Thursday, March 6, 2008

this is one of the funniest videos I've seen on youtube

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


my first experimental painting. feedback is welcome

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

character study

character study I've been working on.